Our SFS offers lightweight, durable, and versatile solutions, ensuring quick installation, design flexibility, and high structural performance.

Each solution is


and engineered by our in-house technical team to meet the unique requirements of your project.

Key Benefits

  • Fixed to primary frame
  • Early dry envelope
  • Reduced material weight and erection labour
  • A rated under BRE green guide
  • High levels of airtightness possible
  • Ultra low u-values possible for fabric first applications
Metek Building System External Wall
  • Our infill walling uses lightweight studs spanning vertically located within the main frame of the building to create secondary lightweight framing.
  • Cladding and sheathing can be directly attached to framework enabling a weather tight envelope to be created far earlier than traditional means whilst also reducing the system weight by up to 50%.
  • To form system walls U section tracks are fixed to the slab and soffit with C section studs located and screw fixed to the flanges. Deflection of the soffit can be economically accommodated by a variety of means determined by structural calculations.
  • Should the façade contain large openings or parapets hot rolled steel wind posts can be integrated into the wall depth and supplied by Metek as part of the package.
  • Easy to assembly, the infill kit can be stick built on site and then boarded with the Class A1 sheathing board – generally RC Frame.
  • To increase speed, it can arrive panelised and boarded with the Class A1 sheathing board – generally HRS Frame.
  • We are able to offer adiverse range of sections from 100mm – 300mm deep with flanges from 50mm – 100mm wide. Furthermore, with our in-house design team, we are able to offer a tailored solution to satisfy all your requirements.
Metek Building System Continuous Walling

Our continuous walling uses studs spanning vertically located outside of the main frame of the building attached using brackets fixed to the steel edge beam or slab edge.

Continuous walling is intended for applications where the façade walls need to be located outside of the main building frame to minimise horizontal movement joints, maximise floor area or accommodate multi storey curtain walling.

System walls are formed by multi-storey C section studs cleated back to the primary building frame at intermediate slab or beam level using project specific brackets.

Typically, the wall will commence from a concrete slab, however where this is not possible an additional support member is designed and fixed at slab or beam level.

At intermediate locations based on the maximum length feasible on site the studs are capped off with U section tracks and the next lift commenced.

Large openings with a continuous walling façade such as glazed curtain walling may need a separate hot rolled steel frame which Metek can supply as part of the package. However, site logistics and H&S of works must be considered in specifying continuous walling to the length of members, typically erection will be from MEWP´s rather than standing scaffolding.

Get in touch Interested?

Get in touch with our expert team and they will be able to assist you in finding the best solution to your needs.

01453 794 800 |
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